7 Keys for a cultural change

7 Keys for a cultural change

Once upon a time, I wrote 10 principles for Humane Technology…but now flows to me 7 Keys for a cultural change.

1. I believe in the power of learning.

2. I believe in tech evolution.

3. I believe in wise synergy, not in unwise confrontation.

4. I believe that people change when they perceived it is convenient, not before. 

5. I believe that companies change when they perceived that people changed.

6. I believe in communities walking together, not in a few people climbing up a mountain. 

7. I believe in strong steps for a better world, not in pretending to change the world.

Nobody can teach, but everyone can learn.

A cultural change flows in freedom, never under pressure.

We create the change, let's build up the highway together. 


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