Wellness Wise Words II
I feel part of my community when__
“People show how well they know me” Palm Springs, California, United States.
“I get out and get involved” Park Orchards, Victoria, Australia.
“Somebody thinks of me as someone that could help” Tolosa, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
“I contribute to my neighborhood” Bridgetown, Christ Church, Barbados.
“I can help another family in a meaningful and desired way” Ellijay, Georgia, United States.
“I’m included in decision making” Rodriguez, Calabarzon, Philippines.
“We achieve small victories” Kingston, Kingston, Jamaica.
“We are doing things in concert, aligned & multiplied by the power of our collective numbers, singular in purpose. Makes me proud, and feeling a part”Larchmont, New York, United States.
“I take actions that help each other and try to make a better place to live” Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
“I go to a Togetherness meeting” Harrow, England, United Kingdom
All words by Daily Haloha Members Community
From Daily Haloha Wall
October 12th 2019
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