An approach to a complex program of action 3rd Part

In this 3erd part, I will purpose to face three great challenges:



Synergy Home-School


We, in Art & Tech, as I wrote in the 7 Keys for cultural change, believe more in freedom, than in pressure, more in learning than teaching.

But on the other hand, we know that the human race needs, probably a few, but strong and common sense rules for assurance the practice of healthy principles for humane tech 

This depends on each culture and each nation; I can only suggest a few points:  

•Few strong and formatives rules

•Few points to overview

•Assurance not to trespass what investigations all over the world pointed as risk situation for kids, teens, and adults


Is there a healthy size of an IRL community?

I live in a very big city, but I moved to the nearest suburb, in a peaceful neighborhood.

So, I have the daily experience of crowds, traffic and the millions of anonymous presence-absence of unknown people, and the opposite experience of the everybody knew people of my neighborhood. 

I am convinced about the size of cities and their influences on social behavior.   

Can we say that there is a right size for a city?.  No, we can’t affirm that, but what I can see is that to guarantee a community experience it seems that you need not be an unknown citizen.

What’s about wellness in great cities?

In big cities we need many little communities, all the necessary to experience:

•Face to face relationships


•Social security

•Common objectives

•Belong to a community

C-Synergy Home-School

And here we arrive from outside to inside, where all begins.

I find in this constitutive relationship the basis of the social building over which impact social media. But as we have read in the researches,  in this age kids and teenagers shape their personal and social identity and condition their wellness, health, and happiness.

In this point as a consultant of many schools in HR issues, I haven`t direct relation with kids and teens but I heard every day the challenges that the families and the teachers must face. Because of that I recently arrived at the conclusion that the more effective action we can do is not in the school, not advising home only, but in the coordinate action home – school.

There are 5 general principles:

* Shared criteria is stronger than rules.

* Take care of people in the basement of a real community.

* We need to build up wise strategies in each community, face to face, in real time meetings.

* The experiences of communities all over the world would open the door to produce know-how of the general appliance.

* If I experienced you looking after me, it's probably, even sure, that I will be taking care of you.

And we can recommend the next 10 tips:

*Is more important what we need to hear than what have to say.

*4 years old kids to nineteen years old adults have something important to say.

*Write down successful experiences, and try to explain them.

*Build and sign up a few but strong protocols that proved to be successful for your community.

*Invite unplugged experiences. 

*Schedule home-school time to share new experiences of wellness.

*Periodically check out success, failure and wrote down what your community learned.

*Be patient, be creative, and be hopeful.

*Digital wellness is a social issue, so, you will find solutions only in a social environment

*Home and School are the nest of society, so in the nest born and grows up the deep solutions


Right here we finished this long travel from inside to outside, and come back from outside to inside.

In these 3 articles, we were tracking the digital footprints looking for a healthy life for everybody.

We traveled over 3 big highways with the same purpose:  to reach out a digital wellness and a strong and healthy society.

As we said in the first article, we need to use the 3 highways at the same time, and that is not easy, but not impossible and surely necessary.

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